Looks like an example where collaboration worked inside a company

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Thinking about what kinds of companies can actually use this.. All? Perhaps..

in reference to:

"“We tried to make it extremely easy to add knowledge. The support engineer is no longer intimidated by a laundry list of steps to get a simple concept added to our shared knowledge base.”"
- Socialtext: Customers: Case Studies: Echo360 (view on Google Sidewiki)

Who still believes Journalism is about objectivity?

Saturday, October 3, 2009

What I'm considering is if or how objective journalism could be profitable, if it was we wouldn't have this issue yes?

in reference to:

"“Objectivity is a construct of recent times. One reason for its rise in the journalism sphere has been the consolidation of newspapers and television into monopolies and oligopolies in the past half-century. If one voice overwhelms all the others, there is a public interest in playing stories as straight as possible — not favoring one side over the other (or others, to be more precise, as there are rarely just two sides to any issue)."
- The end of objectivity – web 2.0 version (view on Google Sidewiki)

Political mapping, is this what the health care lobby looks like?

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Health Care Lobbying

Some sources are reporting that lobbyists are writing pieces of the proposed bill. Somehow I don't remember the chapter on lobbying in my American Government class -- must have been sick that week. [Can't afford to get sick now!]
 blog it

Where does this exist today?

Perhaps this refers to delicious type tagging, or digg like popularity?

in reference to:

"Do yo think only system intelligence is sufficient or a hybrid of human and system will work better? What about better expression of feedback from users and hence better intelligence."
- Web Intelligence: Intelligent Social Networks. Part 1 (view on Google Sidewiki)

The Business case for Transparancy

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

What other transparency strategies did you think of?
clipped from mashable.com

5 Ways to Make Your Business More Transparent

clipped from mashable.com
drag to share
clipped from mashable.com

1. Don’t Fake It — Talk About What You Know

It’s just as important to be viewed as a person with a lot of talented resources as it is to be viewed as an expert.

2. Have an Opinion, But Stay Open to Other Views

3. Be Truthful

When Facebook revised their user terms of service, for example, the company did a poor job of communicating the changes to users. As a result, Facebook was forced to go on the defensive when users instinctively mistrusted certain changes that affected their user rights.

4. Be Timely and Responsive

5. Think Community

More and more, companies are incorporating transparency into their marketing efforts. Why? The reason, according to Debbie Weil, a corporate social media consultant and author of The Corporate Blogging Book, is because customers and stakeholders increasingly expect it. “It (transparency) is the new operating standard,”
 blog it

Economics of Maglev trains

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

clipped from en.wikipedia.org

Maglev (transport)

[edit] Economics

The proposed Chūō Shinkansen maglev in Japan is estimated to cost approximately US$82 billion to build, with a route blasting long tunnels through mountains. A Tokaido maglev route replacing current Shinkansen would cost some 1/10th the cost, as no new tunnel blasting would be needed, but noise pollution issues would make it infeasible.

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You pay flat monthly fee, read package of publications. Yes?

Friday, September 11, 2009

Will this happen?
clipped from www.niemanlab.org

Google developing a micropayment platform and pitching newspapers: “‘Open’ need not mean free”

Transaction costs, including credit card fees, are a major hindrance to micropayment plans under consideration by the news industry, which is why Google’s proposal could be appealing. Of course, newspaper companies that have frequently accused Google of leaching off their revenue might be loathe to participate in a joint venture.

We envision the typical scenario to be where a user pays a monthly fee for access to a wide-ranging package of premium content. One example of a “package” might be full access to the WSJ [Wall Street Journal]; another “package” might include the top 10 business publications. Google believes that there is real power and benefit to publishers in providing these sorts of broad, multi-publication access passes.

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Index of "how to build a startup" on readwriteweb.com

Thursday, September 3, 2009

 blog it

Good reactions to consider for any web page

Build an Insanely Great Web Service

First, the good news: building a website today is ten times cheaper and faster than it was 10 years ago. Now, the bad news: building a website today is ten times cheaper and faster than it was 10 years ago.

Six Milestones from 30 Seconds to 3 Years

  • 30 seconds: "I get it."

  • 3 minutes: "I've used it and still get it, and it has not annoyed me yet."

  • 3 days: "I find this really useful or fun."

  • 3 weeks: "I am raving about this to other people."

  • 3 months: "I couldn't imagine not having this, and I'm boring my friends telling them about it."

  • 3 years: "How weird to see this on Oprah."

 blog it

New York City is poised for a tech revival

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Excellent commentary on the NYC business ecosystem. Found it through Fred Wilson's blog.
clipped from www.cdixon.org

New York City is poised for a tech revival

New York City has many of the same strengths as Silicon Valley – merit-driven capitalism, the embrace of newcomers and particularly immigrants, and a consistent willingness to reinvent itself.   Silicon Valley will always be the mecca of technology, but now that people here are getting back to, as Obama says, making things, New York City has a shot at becoming relevant again in the tech world.

clipped from www.cdixon.org
(1) advertisers are based out of New York City. You can set up endless meetings with NYC advertisers if you're based out of the west coast, but you won't have the advantage of running into them at dinner parties and through friends and friends of friends here in New York. (2) Also, NYC companies need to show a profitable projected P&L (not 15 years out, but more like 3 years out) to raise money in the east coast. West coast start-ups tend to have a 'we'll figure out the monetization thing at some point' mentality.
 blog it

Emmotional extortion, but for a good cause

Thursday, August 6, 2009

This is from outbrain.com a blog rating widget with commercial recommendations.
clipped from www.outbrain.com

blog it

Twitter: Personalize == Destroy?

Disclosure: This question is very interesting to us. There's a tangle of delicious and intriguing subtleties here. This is one is a tough nut, with few promising solutions in sight. Even untangling why this is a problem is a challenge... The original post is well worth a read.

If you assign or calculate authority you're dis-empowering your grass roots audience. People tend to dis-like this. Alternatively, it might create an interesting game where good behavior gets you authority. Would you play?
clipped from venturebeat.com
Please, please don’t personalize Twitter for me
allows companies to share information about each other’s customers would empower them to deliver more serendipitous automatic content to these customers. The concept is called “discovery,”

But it worries me to see Twitter CEO Biz Stone quoted and linked in the middle of Sherrets’ story, talking up plans to rank Twitter results by authority — by assigning different levels of importance to different users. That would, Stone says, float the “important” tweets to the top.

Biz, that sounds like a great optional feature. But if you replace the current all-tweets-are-equal system with yet another Internet pecking order, you’ll ruin a big part of Twitter’s appeal to the masses, and to me.

1. Too much of the Internet is published by the same few people — We used to call them The 250 on Valleywag.
2. Twitter’s unranked content draws eager participants — People who aren’t already famous or important love Twitter
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How many of these are you doing?

9 Free Advertising Solutions

When the going gets tough, the tough advertise.

Become the expert
Be a great public speaker
Professional meeting planners are always looking for presenters and workshop leaders for conferences.
Teach an adult education course
Reward referrals
Send out an e-zine
Make the most of (free) public relations
Whenever there is an event of any significance in your business, be sure to send a press release or a simple e-mail to all the local newspapers and TV stations.
Give back
Start a blog or contribute to a forum
There are several free blogging sites to get you started, I recommend BloggerWordPress or Tumblr.
Partner up
 blog it

Lessons From The Fall Of Giants

Lessons From The Fall Of Giants

4 lessons to be learned from the crash and burn of industry leaders.

Avoid Complacency
The Lesson: No matter how long you've operated or how much money you've made, the market is always changing; ignoring the problem doesn't help.
Know Your Market
The Lesson: By success, responsibility or simple experience you will become a different person from your market. Make sure to remember what you customers want, and act accordingly.
Move With The Times
The Lesson: Adapt with the times or face extinction. It's not enough to know that your product/service works--you have to stay aware of what other people are offering.
Accept Responsibility
If you can't think of anything that's your fault, you're paranoid.

The Lesson: If you find yourself blaming someone else for your troubles, ask yourself, "What are they doing that I'm not?"
The most important thing
is learning from mistakes, and nobody says they have to be yours.
blog it

What the F**k Is Social Media? Are we there yet? No, it's more like teenage s__

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Once in a while, some marketing firm cooks up a self promoting something *designed* to go viral thing actually worth it's ink. This might be one of those times.


So, are they right about the teenage thing?
clipped from mashable.com

What the F**k Is Social Media? Here’s an Answer

But what do you say to someone who doesn’t get it? Maybe you have a boss who thinks social branding a waste of time or chatted with a friend who doesn’t believe that Twitter can help land her a great job. Maybe they have no clue what social media even is.

Last year, marketing director Marta Kagan helped solve this problem with her presentation What the F**k is Social Media?. It was quickly a social media hit for its wit and its very convincing case for the raw power of social media.

The next time you need to explain the benefits of social media to someone, just send them this post and make sure they flip through the entire presentation. Here it is:

 blog it

Talking your boss into the social web.

Monday, August 3, 2009

As we're starting alpha tests within a few organizations this is becoming an interesting point. How do you talk your boss into using something innovative? This can be very difficult depending on industry or department in question.

Sending a well formulated email is a start. What's your take?
clipped from www.deloitte.com

Into the Fray: How Should Companies Approach Collaboration Marketing Given the Potential Risks?

Deloitte Debates

MouseSocial networks, blogs and other communication technologies make it possible for almost anyone to influence how other people perceive your brand and products. Some companies have already begun to use these technologies – the practice we call collaboration marketing – while others are actively debating the wisdom of jumping into the fray. How much should you invest? What are the risks?

Collaboration marketing allows us and our most loyal customers to influence conversations that affect how people perceive our company and our products.
Collaboration marketing is a good way to learn what customers really think and want. We can adapt our products or services by incorporating a formal collaboration feedback loop into our development process.
 blog it

Top reasons cited against going google. That's GG, check mate :)

Have you run into any complaints when talking about google products? Here's a few I've heard recently.

1 I'm a "pro" office user, I routinely rely on the high level features of MS Office like shortcut keys to the point of mouse-less use. I feel the difference the most in excel.

2 Even if small, the added delay that comes with using a web application is enough to turn me off. The very idea of it wasting a second of my time while updating gives me the hives.

3 I don't want to depend on google, and especially not a cloud hosted solution. And by the way, google gears is a crap shoot, for me it works about half the time, and I can't figure out why/why not.

4 I'm just used to the old way of using outlook etc, too set in my ways to re-learn.

What's your verdict?
clipped from mashable.com

Going Google: The Apple Switch Ads for the Web App Era

More than 7 years after the launch of the Apple Switch ads, Microsoft once again finds itself the target of an ad campaign that attempts to chip away at its dominant market share.

The billboards, which run for a month, will be changed every day to progressively explain the advantages of the Google Apps suite. They’ll appear on the Mass Pike in Boston, San Francisco’s 101, New York’s West Side Highway and The Ike in Chicago, reports eWeek. The ads will push IT managers to the Apps at Work site, which explains:

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What does your monday reading list look like? Here's one thing I started doing.

Use the clipmarks plugin to Mozilla Firefox to clip links off of alltop, post them for others to comment on and follow up on the ones that make the second "cut." What's your poison?
 blog it

Business objectives for social networking

Sunday, August 2, 2009

1 Establish a brand
2 Sell, and at higher prices
3 Market, convey benefit and justify higher prices
4 Add value to services, accumulate timely knowledge
5,6,7,8,9 Please comment

My response to the ROI roadblock is this - How does your boss measure the ROI of attending Chamber mixers, participating in Associations, and dropping in on networking luncheons? Done correctly, social networking on sites like Facebook is really no different - you don’t measure participation based on direct sales, you measure success based on identifying one potential strategic partner, acquiring one actionable bit of advice, or striking up a conversation or two that may eventually lead to developing a new customer. That kind of sounds like a set of solid networking objectives doesn’t it?

By identifying and clearly stating your objectives for social network participation (objectives not unlike those of participating in your local Chamber) you can more easily identify the networks that make sense, the type of engagement you need to create, and, most importantly, how much time and energy you can afford to invest to reach your objectives.

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An accountants practices on twitter

this guy might be worth following, he uses many of the tools I do. Linked to the 2020 groups site.


You may also be interested in the league/listing of UK accountants and tax people on twitter here.

What do I tweet about?

When I’m out and about I use Twitter as originally intended to provide real time status updates of meetings I’m attending, who with and where. I tend to do this in advance using a service called Tweetlater (although I recently found something else that provides a similar facility so will be trying BrightKit as the interface looks simpler).

I also use Tweetlater to ensure that Twitter gets a link to each of the new posts on my 3 blogs:
- Accountant jokes and fun – just to keep it separate from the next one!;
- Ambitious Accountants – tips and advice, much of it relevant to all professional advisers; and
- TaxBuzz - the Tax Advice Network blog (and this has it’s own twitter account too: @TheTaxBuzz )

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