Good reactions to consider for any web page

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Build an Insanely Great Web Service

First, the good news: building a website today is ten times cheaper and faster than it was 10 years ago. Now, the bad news: building a website today is ten times cheaper and faster than it was 10 years ago.

Six Milestones from 30 Seconds to 3 Years

  • 30 seconds: "I get it."

  • 3 minutes: "I've used it and still get it, and it has not annoyed me yet."

  • 3 days: "I find this really useful or fun."

  • 3 weeks: "I am raving about this to other people."

  • 3 months: "I couldn't imagine not having this, and I'm boring my friends telling them about it."

  • 3 years: "How weird to see this on Oprah."

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